Course curriculum

    1. Fundamentals of Scientific Research Writing

    2. Terminologies and Structure

    3. IMRAD & Structure of an Article

    4. Formation of Title

    5. Abstract, and Introduction Formation

    6. Searching Techniques & Effective Googling

    7. Journal Finding & Selection

    8. Fundamentals of Literature Review Writing

    9. Guru Lecture on Literature Review Writing

    10. Citations Through EndNote

    11. Gift Lecture on EndNote Manual Editing

    1. Introduction to Scientific Writing & Research

    2. Important Terminologies in Research

    3. Structure of an Article & Thesis

    4. Writing Title and Abstract - Part 1

    5. Writing Title and Abstract - Part 2

    6. Writing From Introduction To Conclusion

    7. Searching Technqiues & Effective Googling - Part 1

    8. Searching Technqiues & Effective Googling - Part 2

    9. Citations through EndNote

    10. Journal and Publication Process

    11. Writing a Scholarships Winning Research Proposal (Efficient Best Method) - Sir Junaid

    12. Writing a Research Proposal in 12 Hours (Fast Track Method) - Sir Mohsin

    1. Introduction to Research Methodology

    2. Sampling Technique - Research Methodology

    3. Study Design - Research Methodology

    1. Systematic Review and Meta Analysis

    1. Fundamentals of Biostatistics - Sir Noorullah Khan Niazi

    2. Fundamentals of Biostatistics - Sir Junaid (Part 1)

    3. Fundamentals of Biostatistics - Sir Junaid (Part 2)

    1. Scholarship Hunting - Multiomics - Sir Junaid

    2. Scholarship Winning Research Proposal - Sir Mohsin Zafar

    3. Emailing to Professor & Supervisor Finding - Sir Tayyab Shafiq

    4. Writing Motivational Letter - Personal Statement - SoP - Sir Tayyab Shafiq

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 53 hours of video content

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